Advertising and competition

We support companies in the areas of marketing, advertising and competition.

Competition law is designed to ensure fair competition between companies and protect both consumers and competitors from unfair practices. Due to digitalization and ever new forms of advertising, new issues are constantly arising that require competent and practical solutions.

Our services: Advice, defense and attack

Advice: We offer comprehensive advice on the legal requirements of competition law. In particular, we examine and discuss your advertising measures and offers, ideally before you launch new campaigns or services on the market. In this way, legal risks can be reduced from the outset without reducing your commercial success.

Defense against warnings and lawsuits: If your company is confronted with third-party claims, we will support you in your legal defense. In competition law, warning letters can be issued by competitors in particular, but also by consumer protection or competition associations. We not only examine the legal prospects of a successful defense, but also discuss the economic and practical consequences of a warning letter with you in order to develop a sensible defense strategy.

Checking competitor offers: Do you have the impression that competitors are gaining unfair competitive advantages? We check your competitors’ offers and advertising for possible breaches of competition law and take legal action if necessary. Here, too, we always keep an eye on potential risks and possible negative consequences for your company.

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FX legal

Widenmayerstraße 4
80538 München