More than just answers ... Solutions!

Not the conventional legal advice. FX legal offers solutions. Pragmatic, economical, simple!
FX legal München
Rechtsanwälte Felix Gebhard und Christos Paloubis

The law firm

We are consulting companies in the fields of IT, eCommerce, media and online marketing for over 20 years. Our aim is to offer comprehensible and practical solutions instead of getting lost in theoretical treatises. We do not consider our consultancy work to be completed as soon as legal issues have been clarified. For us, it is much more important to discuss scenarios, options and risks together with our clients in order to make well-founded decisions for the future.

Our services

We are specialized in the areas of IT, copyright and media law as well as competition law and data protection. We support you in an advisory capacity, but also as your representative in the enforcement of claims or the defense against lawsuits or warnings.

Follow us

Connect with us on LinkedIn and stay in touch with us. It's also always worth taking a look at our blogs.
Rechtsanwalt Christos Paloubis

Christos Paloubis

Reports in his blog and on LinkedIn on current developments, particularly in the areas of copyright, IT and media law.
Rechtsanwalt Felix Gebhard

Felix Gebhard

Blogs and posts on LinkedIn focusing on data protection and competition law.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us for an initial non-binding consultation.

FX legal

Widenmayerstraße 4
80538 München